How to Boost your Immune System Naturally

Citrus fruits for vitamin C

Our bodies are wonderful machines and are fully equipped to deal with and dispose of most intruding bacteria, viruses, parasites, or other fungi. Sometimes, however, they are not quite capable of dispatching those and we end up getting sick. So to beat those winter or mid-season sniffles, helping your body fight back seems like a … Read more

How to eat more whole grains in 5 steps

How to eat more whole grains

Despite popular “low grain” trends over the last few years (read gluten-free, low-carb and Paleo diets), whole grains are seeing an increase in popularity. So much so that more and more products are now labeled as containing “whole grains”. But in all this marketing hype, we’re left to figure out how to eat more whole … Read more

Why eat whole grains? Understanding their health benefits


Grains in seem to be having a hard time lately, with gluten being blamed by some for major health problems and new grain-free diets springing up every year. So one can easily wonder why eat whole grains at all, as recommended by health authorities everywhere. However, according to Dr. Frank Hu, Professor of nutrition at … Read more

How to start clean eating

How to start clean eating

Eating clean is simply eating more natural, healthy, wholesome food, and less processed, nutrient-depleting, industrial food. Put like that, it sounds easy, doesn’t it? But how to start clean eating, for the majority of us out there, can be daunting. Processed food (anything with a packaging, really) is the norm, it’s what we grew up … Read more

Clean eating dinner ideas

Clean eating dinner ideas

For most households, dinner is the time when everybody stops running around and slows down. It’s expected to be a safe and satisfying moment, for the stomach as well as the soul. The last thing we want is kids complaining they don’t like vegetables. Or adults moaning that the food is not rich enough. Or … Read more

Blender vs Juicer – The best way to get your juice in

Blender vs Juicer

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please check my Affiliate Disclosure page. According to recent data from 2017 published by the CDC, over 90% of American adults do not eat enough vegetables, while 87% don’t eat enough fruits. Fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies are a great way to quickly and easily add … Read more