8 tips to detox with fruits and vegetables

Detox with fruits and vegetables

There are countless detox plans on the interweb. And they will all tell you to only eat fruits and vegetables for a few days. Now, it’s usually not recommended to cut out any food group completely in the long run without medical supervision. But when it comes to detoxifying your body, it is important to … Read more

9 Health Benefits of Clean Eating

In its simplest form, clean eating is going back to foods that haven’t been tampered with, or very minimally. Off with the industrialized, processed, packaged foods, and in with raw, whole, natural foods. But beyond the theory of it, what are the health benefits of clean eating? The whole idea behind eating “clean” food is to bypass any … Read more

How to detox your body at home

How to detox your body at home

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please check my Affiliate Disclosure page. Ok, so we all know that we live in a pretty polluted world. Inside and out. We breathe pollutants, but we eat them too, right? We also know that our bodies are equipped to deal with all this. We’ve got a whole … Read more

The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle 2018

Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle
The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle was back for a short 48 hours…

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Organic vs local food – which is best?

Organic or local food, which is best?

We buy and consume every day a large variety of foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, bakery, drinks, frozen foods, yogurts, preserves, and so on. The USDA calculated in 2011 that the average American ate 1996lbs (905kg) of food per year. This is about 38lbs (17kg) of food per week and per person, around … Read more

How to eat more whole grains in 5 steps

How to eat more whole grains

Despite popular “low grain” trends over the last few years (read gluten-free, low-carb and Paleo diets), whole grains are seeing an increase in popularity. So much so that more and more products are now labeled as containing “whole grains”. But in all this marketing hype, we’re left to figure out how to eat more whole … Read more

Why eat whole grains? Understanding their health benefits


Grains in seem to be having a hard time lately, with gluten being blamed by some for major health problems and new grain-free diets springing up every year. So one can easily wonder why eat whole grains at all, as recommended by health authorities everywhere. However, according to Dr. Frank Hu, Professor of nutrition at … Read more

How to start clean eating

How to start clean eating

Eating clean is simply eating more natural, healthy, wholesome food, and less processed, nutrient-depleting, industrial food. Put like that, it sounds easy, doesn’t it? But how to start clean eating, for the majority of us out there, can be daunting. Processed food (anything with a packaging, really) is the norm, it’s what we grew up … Read more