Hurom slow juicer review – Is the Hurom HH Elite right you?

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Juicing is a great way to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables with minimal effort. You basically load your 5-a-day in your juicer, and out comes your vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, in a ready-to-drink format. Sorted. I can even juice beetroot and carrots to make a pink juice that my kids actually drink [smug mummy smile here].

I actually own the Hurom HE but bought it a while back and it doesn’t seem to be sold anymore. So this Hurom slow juicer review will focus on my experience and will give you a more detailed review of a similar Hurom model, the Hurom HH Elite.

What are the benefits of a slow juicer?

Freshly prepared fruits and vegetablesIn the US, over 90% of adults don’t eat enough vegetables. That is, they don’t eat their 5 servings of vegetables per day. According to the Harvard School of Health:

A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower the risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar which can help keep appetite in check.

However, if we were to hit our 10-a-day target, we might lower our risk of cardiovascular disease by 28% and our risk of premature death by 31%. This is according to a research published in the International Journal of Epidemiology on February 22, 2017.

According to that research, not all fruits and vegetables are beneficial to our health in the same way, and, because *every body* is different, every single one of us has got different needs. The most beneficial fruits and vegetables include:

  • green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, lettuce etc.),
  • cruciferous vegetables (that’s your cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower),
  • yellow and green vegetables (including peppers, carrots, and green beans), and
  • apples, pears, as well as oranges and the citrus fruit family.
These are the facts…

…but in reality, how many of us actually get around eating that much fruits and vegetables? This is around 5-6 cups of the stuff per day, 2 cups per meal. I can easily fit in my 3 cups of vegetables per day, but 6?

Healthy freshly pressed juicesThis is where juicing comes in. A juicer will allow you to take 3 cups of fruits and vegetables, extract their vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, and cram them in a large glass of delicious juice. Like that.

You can also choose to blend them in. The resulting smoothie will be a lot more filling, but you’ll get all the fibers in, which play an essential part to stay healthy. If you’re not sure which method would suit you best, check my post regarding blending and juicing.

For me, it was a bit of a no-brainer. There was no way I could possibly eat that many fruits and vegetables per day, let alone get my kids to eat them. So, in came the Hurom slow juicer, which came recommended by my doctor.

How I use it

I don’t always have time to juice every day, and I admit to not always having the right fresh produce at hand to juice. But we try and fit in a juicing session whenever we can.

What I like about it
Hurom HE slow juicer

The fact that there are only 4 mobile parts is a big plus for me. Easy to assemble, easy to wash, easy to put back together.

I like the fact that I can just scrub the fruits and vegetables clean, chop them roughly (down to a quarter of an apple), and just pop them in.

If you add leafy greens, like spinach or wheatgrass, make sure you mix them with the rest of the fruits and vegetables. This dislodges the fibrous matter and makes the juicing easier. The reverse button comes in super-handy when some of the fibers get stuck. Just pop the juicer in reverse for a bit et voilà.

I also like the fact that it’s easy to clean (by my standards, compared with my old centrifugal juicer). When I’m done, I run a glass of water in the juicer, closing the juice cap, to remove any bits of fruits and vegetables left in the auger. Then I drop the washable parts in a bowl of water. No need for soap. The chute only needs rinsing, so only the auger, the strainer, and the bowl need a little wash down to remove any fibers still stuck there.

What I don’t like about it

The pulp it creates. It does create very little pulp, I must admit, but still. I do try to reuse most of it: vegetable pulp gets seasoned and covered with beaten eggs and cheese for an impromptu crust-less quiche. And the fruit pulp usually ends up in the worm farm or the chicken coop.

Now and then, I also have to give the washable parts a good scrub (with the brushes provided), to make sure all the residues are gone. Although apparently, you can use a baby-bottle cleaning solution to do that for you.

The price tag. It is a bit of an investment. The HH Elite model sells for around $300 on Amazon. Admittedly, this newer model is more versatile and combines juicer and blender in one. They have proven their reliability over the years and are juicing workhorses, but it is an investment in your health. On the plus side, it forces you to use it as often as possible to get the maximum ROI.

Hurom HE features, and new features in the HH model

Hurom HE juicer partsAccording to the Hurom website, both models offer the same basic features:

  1. Slow rotational speed -The HE turns at 80 rpm. This means that although the cells are broken down to release all the nutrients, there is no heat generated, and no subsequent loss of nutrients.
  2. 350-milliliter chamber capacity – That’s a beer glass, basically. But thanks to the juice cap, you can just empty your juice in the provided jug and carry on juicing.
  3. High-strength auger – Made of heavy-duty Ultem® resin. I wouldn’t try to pop frozen food in there, but it crushes through carrots like a breeze.
  4. Versatile juice cap for convenience
  5. Two types of fine and coarse strainers – You can change the strainer depending on the pulp content of your fruits. I hardly ever use the coarse strainer, which is more for pulpy fruits like mangoes, papaya or guava, or if you just want more fibers in your juice.
  6. Convenient handle – The HE doesn’t have a handle, but since it weighs around 6kg, it usually just sits nicely on my counter.
  7. Low-noise, low-vibration AC motor – The motor holds a 10-year warranty and is definitely very quiet compared to my old centrifugal juicer. It also only uses 150 Watts of energy.
Added HH features:

  1. A slow rotational speed of 43 rpm – Instead of the 80 rpm of the HE. Which means even less loss of nutrients. The slower speed is balanced by the improved auger.
  2. 500-milliliter chamber capacity – Meaning that you can really add all your ingredients before pouring the juice. Particularly useful since this model boasts being able to do smoothies and juices.
  3. Double-edged, high-strength auger
  4. Adjustable Control Lever to accommodate different ingredients – This is to allow more fibers to be left in your juice, thereby turning your juicer into a smoothie maker. The best of both world, if you ask me.

The Hurom website also states that the Hurom HH Elite juicer will juice soft and hard fruits, vegetables, leafy greens and wheatgrass, but also nuts and soy to make non-dairy milk or tofu.

Is this product right for you?

The Hurom HH slow juicer might be ideal for you if:

  • You want to eat more fruits and vegetables, but don’t know how to convince your family to eat more of them.
  • You buy high-quality fruits and vegetables and want to make sure you get all the goodness out, without destroying the nutrients through cooking or other methods of juicing.
  • You often buy loads of fruits and vegetables, but don’t always have the time to prepare them and loathe to see them going to waste.
  • Your kids are picky eaters and will not eat vegetables.
  • You just want to increase your health levels by eating more raw fruits and vegetables.
  • You want a steady, reliable juicer, quiet and easy to clean.

So there you are…

I haven’t tried any other juicers and can’t compare. So far though, the upright Hurom slow juicer is doing the job just fine for us. It’s easy to use, extracts a lot of juice, leaving very little pulp, and is quick to clean and pack away. And it’s great for those bowls of fruits or bulk purchases of vegetables that are threatening to go past their prime…

I hope this post answers some of the questions you might have had about this juicer and will have convinced you further of the benefits of juicing (or blending). You can find my basic juice recipe in this post if you need something to get started.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding this juicer, I’ll do my very best to answer. And please share with us which juicer or blender you use, and what you like (or dislike) about them.

16 thoughts on “Hurom slow juicer review – Is the Hurom HH Elite right you?”

  1. It’s crazy how many of us don’t eat enough fruits and veggies. I’m plant-based and I still don’t always get enough! I had a juicer some time ago, but it was kind of a pain to clean. This one seems really easy to use and to clean. I really miss apple, ginger, carrot juice! Thanks for this review, I’m definitely going to check it out! How big is it? Does it take up a lot of counter space? Do you store yours away after each use or leave it out?

    • Hi Christina, that’s what made me buy the Hurom to start with, to try and cram enough of the stuff into our bodies… Ohhh, ginger, apple, and carrot… Sounds delish. My juicer stays on the kitchen counter. Because it’s an upright one, it takes roughly the space of a kettle. I just leave it out, mainly because my cupboards are small, but also so I get reminded of juicing every time I’m in the kitchen! 🙂

  2. Really interesting reading, I know when my children were small, I would always have to try to disguise the veg especially. This is a great way to get them to enjoy a really tasty drink with all the benefits you have described. With the summer coming in, this for me is when I tend to think about juicing.

    • Hi Ali, you’re right, summer is always a great time to loads on the fresh stuff, fruits and vegetables are in season and cheaper. Thanks for visiting! Keep well, Isabel

  3. After watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead on Netflix, we bought a Breville juicer. It’s a decent juicer (I like it) and my kids just LOVE the juice I make, but there’s SOOOO many parts to clean that it’ll fill our dishwasher! I do like that the Breville has multiple speeds so you can increase the speed for hard to juice items. But I’ve never thought about a “slow” juicer.
    The Breville generates a PILE of pulp. Literally! I guess with a slow juicer you’re getting more of the juice and less pulp?

    • Hi Dave, the Breville is a centrifugal juicer, like my old one. They’re quick and easy as you can almost literally just drop the fruits and vegetables in there, but you’re right, the pulp output is high. What comes out of the slow juicer is also super dry and crumbly, so you get the most juice with a slow juicer. And the cleaning was a beast… BUT any juicer is better than none, and as long as you use it and your kids love it, enjoy it. You can always consider a slow juicer for the next one! 🙂

  4. Looks good. First of all, I should start worrying about feeding on vegetables and soon I’ll get one of those. Great post, made me think better about my food. Thank you and congratulations.

    • Thanks, Roberto. I agree with you, everybody needs to up their vegetable intake, although you could see the juicer as a way to get all your vegetable intake for the day in one glass. Problem solved! Cheers for now, Isabel

  5. I LOVE JUICERS! My favorite thing to make are smoothies. Simple to make, and fun to drink. I’m glad you did a review on this juicer cause my juicer is all conked out and I need to buy a new one. Thank you for giving an informed and thoughtful review on this juicer.

    • Hi Jake, thanks for your comment and glad I could be of help! I like the fact that the newer models allow you to make smoothies AND juices, unlike my current model. All the best, Isabel


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